Tradition requires new locations.

Leipzig is a city of trade fairs. Leipzig is a transport and logistics hub. Leipzig is an automobile. Leipzig is growth. Leipzig is tradition. Already in 1991, Aengevelt established a branch in Leipzig and recognised at an early stage how much of a driver of the logistics industry this location would become. In 2007, Aengevelt moved its logistics competence centre to Leipzig and this strategy paid off. Today, we are one of the top property brokers in the logistics sector – and especially so in the Leipzig/Halle area. Through our early presence, we were able to actively accompany the redevelopment and transformation of Leipzig into an attractive and modern city. A mammoth task was the restoration of the historic buildings. The immense effort was more than worth it. Today, Leipzig today impresses visitors with arduously renovated buildings from the Gründerzeit period – buildings which are hard to find in almost any other major German city.


AENGEVELT Immobilien GmbH & Co. KG

Team Leipzig.

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Share Deal: New multi-user building in the industrial park.

Professional evaluation and market analysis as well as direct customer contact in line with requirements led to a quick sale. In addition to the latest technology, the high-quality new logistics space also has WGK III areas.

  • Object type. High-quality logistics space.
  • Area. Additional building reserve of approx. 10,000 m²
  • Loaction. Great transport integration


We not only know Leipzig’s real estate market, we also analyse it. Constantly, and again and again. In our City Quarterlies, we provide you with current market facts and trends, every three months. The annual City Report is already a true classic. You can download the reports in our Research section.