Living place of remembrance.

The renovation of the historic Schumann-Haus at Bilker Straße 15 is progressing well.

Copy: Music lovers will meet Robert and Clara Schumann, two important German musicians and composers of the Romantic era. And whoever walks in their tracks will also find the Schumanns across Düsseldorf. This is where numerous world-famous compositions were created, in total almost a third of Robert Schumann's complex works.

Today, the Robert-Schumann-Hochschule, the Clara-Schumann-Musikschule and the “Schumann-Haus” at the heart of Carlstadt bear witness to the life and work of the artistic couple. The Schumann-Haus is currently being extensively renovated in line with regulations to preserve its historic value.


Cultural and memorial site as well as a museum.

The aim of the “Förderverein Schumann-Haus” was and is, above all, the renovation and restoration of the landmark owned by the city of Düsseldorf to make it a living place of remembrance.


Art and culture are vital components of our society and of our quality of life.

Please join us in providing support.

Donation account:

Förderverein Schumann-Haus
Deutsche Bank AG
IBAN: DE64 3007 0024 0244 4693 60